Web-Based Scanner Integration for the Galileo T5 Handheld Barcode Scanner

Web-Based Scanner Integration for the Galileo T5 Handheld Barcode Scanner



While working on a project to help a manufacturing plant keep track of product stages, I encountered the need to build an application for the Galileo T5 handheld barcode scanner, a tool essential for staff to update product statuses and report issues within the production line.

Galileo T5 Barcode Scanner

The Galileo T5 is a commercial device that combines the features of an Android smartphone with those of a barcode scanner, making it an ideal candidate for application development due to its flexibility and ease of use.

The Challenge

The device comes with its own SDK for building native applications, which is great. However, my lack of experience in developing native Android apps presented a significant hurdle. Faced with the choice between a steep learning curve and finding an alternative solution, I opted for the latter.

The Solution

I have discovered an option inside the scanner that makes the scanner work like a keyboard. Basically you scan a QR code that contains some text and the scanner will type it in just like if you connected a keyboard to it and started typing.

This means that if I were able to capture key-presses from inside a web app that I would not need to build a native app for it which is exactly what I have done!

I discovered a setting in the scanner that allowed it to function similarly to a keyboard, scanning a QR code would simulate key-presses being typed equal to the contents of the scanned QR code. This meant that if I could capture these key-presses in a web app, I could bypass the need for a native application altogether.

Thanks to this, it was time to build a proof-of-concept web application!

And The Final Result

This project showcases the importance of flexibility and creative problem-solving in technology development. By utilizing the scanner’s built-in features in conjunction with a web-based application, I was able to create a user-friendly and efficient solution to meet the factory’s needs without venturing into unfamiliar programming territory.